worm info

Worms are wonderful creatures that have spent millenia aerating, tilling and fertilising the soil.

There are more than 2,000 species of earthworm and they are found all over the world, different species perform different functions.

The worms that we breed here on Bubble House Worm Farm are all native to these shores and they all play their part in soil improvement.

Deep burrowing Lumbricus terrestris is the species that you want if the aim is to improve the texture and fertility of your soil.

For composting and wormeries we supply a mixture of three of the best composting worms, Eisenia fetida, Eisenia rubellus and Dendrobaena venata.

They all have slightly different likes and dislikes with regard to food and environment and we have discovered that a mix of the three works best for vermicomposting and luckily they cohabit perfectly happily.

All our worms are hand harvested and sent to you with plenty of safe bedding.The bedding is taken from our breeding beds, it is an environment the worms feel at home in, this means they travel well and arrive to you in peak condition. Alternatively they will live happily in their tub or bag for a month or so as the bedding contains plenty of nutrients to keep them going. The bedding also contains all the micro-organisms that are needed to get your worm composting off to a great start.



Your worms will arrive in a bag with bedding. If you are not ready to add them to your compost bin or wormery straight away the worms will happily live in this environment for a week or two. Keep them somewhere cool e.g a shed or garage. If you are not using them for over a week tip the contents into a bucket and toss the contents about gently to give them some aeration once a week. The bedding should be moist but not sopping wet, the sort of moisture content of a wrung out sponge. If the bedding has become dry spray it with some water. The same applies when you add them to your compost bin, check every so often that the contents are not too dry or too wet. If too soggy add dry wripped up newspaper or shredded paper or cardboard to soak up some of the moisture. When you are ready to add them to your compost bin dig a hole with your hands in some of the partly decomposed compost and add the contents of your bag of worms then cover them up again If adding to a wormery you can add some chopped up food waste and some damp shredded paper then cover then with a piece of cardboard or some sheets of newspaper to keep them damp and dark Worms are resilient animals and withstand wide ranges of temperature. If it is below freezing they will survive but they will huddle together for body warmth and won’t eat very much until the weather warms up. You can lay an old bit of carpet or old jumper on top of the compost if you want to keep it warmer. If you have any queries please get in touch by email at info@bubblehouseworms.com or by phone 01886 832559, if no one answers leave a message and we will get back to you. We also welcome visitors to the worm farm where you can see the worms in action.


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