EM info

EM is the abbreviation for Effective Micro-organisms, a cocktail of beneficial microbes that occur naturally, they are not modified in anyway. Each of the effective micro-organisms has a specific task and they also enhance each others working, in other words there is synergy.

EM Technology has many diverse applications including use as a soil conditioner to improve plant health and resistance to diseases, as a compost accelerator that also reduces odours, in sustainable agriculture and horticulture, in animal husbandry, and around the home and garden.It is widely used in Japan in Kyusei Nature Farming; essentially Organic Farming using EM to enhance growth and fertility

EM Liquid Culture contains 5 families of bacteria:

  • Lactic acid bacteria have powerful sterilising properties. They supress harmful microorganisms including Fusarium and they encourage the break down of organic substances
  • Yeasts produce anti microbial and useful substances for plant growth. Their metabolites are food for other beneficial bacteria
  • Actinomycetes supress harmful fungi and bacteria
  • Photosynthetic bacteria synthesise useful substances from secretions of roots, organic matter and harmful gases by using sunlight and heat from the soil as a source of energy and contribute to better photosynthesis
  • Fungi that bring about fermentation, they break down organic substances quickly and suppress odour


Activated EM Liquid (EMAS)

This is a ready to use pro-biotic liquid with a host of uses both in the home and garden. It contains a mixed culture of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and phototrophic bacteria. They are all naturally occurring pro-biotic bacteria that are not genetically modified.


General cleaning dilute 1:100  i.e 10mls/ 1 litre water.
 For very dirty area and areas with mould dilute 1:10
Can be used with any spray bottle

Kitchen worktops.................................Spray and wipe
Kitchen cupboards................................Spray and wipe
Extractors...........................................Spray and leave for 30 mins before wiping
Ventilators.........................................Spray and leave for 30 mins before wiping
Ceramic tops.......................................Spray and leave for 10 minutes
Ovens...................................................Spray and leave to work
Freezers and fridges.............................Wipe inside and out
Sinks.....................................................Spray and wipe
Mirrors..................................................Spray and wipe when dry
Bathroom tiles.......................................Spray and rinse off with water
Washing machines................................Spray and wipe clean
Rubbish bins...........................................Spray a small amount and leave
Wooden garden furniture......................Spray a small amount and leave





Uses in the garden

EM liquid culture provides microbial balancing in the soil which boosts plant growth.

It helps to protect plants and soil from disease and stimulates the growth of roots.

It restores the natural balance in ponds, the pro-biotic bacteria gobble up pathogenic bacteria, algae and sludge giving clearer water.

It improves health and fertility and minimises diseases and pests such as powdery mildew, aphids and black fly.
Dilute 1:100 and spray directly onto soil and/or foliage.
Repeat weekly in the growing season and once a month for established plants.

Dilute 1:100 for thick healthy growth and to reduce bald patches.
Apply using a watering can or sprinkler system

Dilute 1:10 and sprinkle over top of compost to eliminate odours and speed up composting. Cover the top of the compost heap with a carpet or blanket.

Ponds and natural swimming pools:
add 1 litre per 10,000 litres for a spring clean and to restore the eco-balance. Apply 3 times a year

EM5 - Organic Pest Control

EM is the abbreviation for Effective Micro-organisms, a cocktail of beneficial microbes that occur naturally, they are not modified in anyway. Each of the effective micro-organisms has a specific task and they also enhance each others working, in other words there is synergy. They have multiple applications for sustainable living.

EM-5 Organic pest control is a non toxic, chemical free insect repellent.

It is harmless to humans and animals and is safe for use on edible plants.

EM-5 works biologically and is used to increase the plants natural resistance to pests and diseases.

It provides a protective layer on the leaves and and the EM competitively exclude pathogenic bacteria that can cause diseases.

 EM-5 is made from organic ingredients; EM-l, Molasses, Vinegar, Distilled Spirits and Water and some organic matter that is high in anti-oxidants.

EM-5 acts by creating a barrier around the plant, thereby protecting the plant from insects and pests. When insects come in contact with EM-5 they become coated in the biological protection that EM-5 offers. Then once the insects return to their nests the biological protection of EM-5 gets to work on the insects stored food supply. It starts a fermentation process in the feed, which makes it inedible for the insects, reducing their population.

Which Pests is it effective against?

EM-5 works well against common insects problems like aphids, cabbage white caterpillars, carrotroot fly, ants, greenfly, blackfly, red lily beetle.

EM-5 Application

EM-5 can be applied as soon as seedlings emerge, before they get any pests or diseases
Spray it onto plants at dilutions of 1 part EM-5 to 500 parts of water, preferably rain water. Spray at regular intervals, in the morning or evening or after rain,but do not spray in strong sunlight.





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